
‘Scientism’ is a great tract for anyone, saved or unsaved, but is focused on people who are more “scientifically” minded, drawing a connection between actual science and the new religion of science existing completely in theory.
Click the dropbox link below to check out the tract and even download the print file:

‘Infinity and Beyond’ is heavily inspired by the great Chick tract “Love the Jewish People,” and was made specifically for my Jewish family. Likewise, this is a great tract for any Jewish person you might know, or for any Christian who would like to know more about God’s chosen people.
Click the dropbox link below to check out the tract and even download the print file:
Tracts might just be the very best way to witness to a complete stranger. If the tract is engaging enough, you don’t even have to say anything, you can simply hand the tract to the stranger and the tract does all the work. After all tracts SHOULD contain the word of God and his words speak for himself.
The great Jack Chick was the first, to my knowledge, to put together the ‘comic tract.’ His motto was “Chick tracts get read.” And they did! After all, even if someone who wouldn’t usually read a tract got a hold of one (either handed to them by a complete stranger or simply found at a bus stop, or a gas station, or even a bathroom stall), they’d be much more inclined to flip through a picture book just to see the pictures! And in return, they’d get a gospel message!
During the 70’s and 80’s Chick tracts were everywhere. His successor, David W. Daniels, still produces some to this day. In the same spirit, I have created my own comic tracts with my own unique spin. Each and every tract isn’t simply information presented with pictures, but a unique story with sometimes re-occurring characters, forming a world the reader wants to keep reading.