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Basic Manuscript Evidence

Here are some notes from Ruckman’s 1989 sermon on Basic Manuscript Evidence. Click HERE to watch the full sermon.In the sermon you will learn what the scriptures have to say about the scriptures.Do you have the scriptures? Are they inspired? What did God say? To… Read More »Basic Manuscript Evidence


Hello, everyone.I’m making this post alongside having just finished my series on Dispensationalism.You can find the videos here:Video_1Video_2Video_3Video_4 If you want a write up on some of the points then you can also check out the article I made a while back under the “First… Read More »Dispensationalism

AV1611 Tribute!

If you’re reading this it’s probably because you’ve just seen my AV 1611 (Authorized Version) Tribute video on youtube. Thanks for the support! I’ve made the illustration available as a desktop background for your enjoyment. Just right click on the image below and select “open… Read More »AV1611 Tribute!

The Two Kingdoms

In my opinion, understanding the differences between the ‘Kingdom of God’ and the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is THE biggest key to understanding the overarching story of the Bible. What happened when Adam fell? Why do we need Jesus to save us? What happened to get… Read More »The Two Kingdoms

The Unpardonable Sin

“Have I committed the unpardonable sin?”This is a common question asked by lots of new Christians, including myself, before they learn how to properly read and divide the bible. And it’s completely understandable. This amazing experience of getting saved, becoming a new creature in Christ… Read More »The Unpardonable Sin