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The Gap

The Gap “Theory” There are two schools of thought concerning the Gap “Theory”. Generally speaking, both schools of thought agree on this: Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 there is an undisclosed period of time where several events in the bible take place. This is the… Read More »The Gap

Covenant Vs Testament

This Subject has been divided into sections for your convenience. Please select the section you would like to jump to:**NOTE** Clicking the section headers will bring you back to the top of this page. Testament  Testament vs Testator vs Mediator Covenant The Mosaic Covenant Covenants… Read More »Covenant Vs Testament

Prophetical Feasts

Prophetical Feasts of the Old Testament Pastor Mike Veach of First Bible Church in Staten Island, NY has provided us with this very helpful chart of the prophetical feats of the bible. This chart is used in his Understanding the Times and Day of Atonement… Read More »Prophetical Feasts

Haiti Bible Drive

Thank you all for supporting this GREAT WORK!I have no doubt this is Matthew 6:20 in action. To check out the T-Shirt store click HERE. 100% of all the proceeds will go to First Bible Church (in their effort to print and distribute the KJV… Read More »Haiti Bible Drive


Intro This is a big subject and is likely to change over time as I read, study and learn. And while the intricate details of Mystery Babylon will continue to be revealed, there is more than enough available information to lay down a solid foundation, a framework,… Read More »Easter

What Do Angels look Like?

Heavenly Creatures Ok, lets get the obvious out of the way first… Angels do NOT have wings. Why did people start drawing them with wings? Well, that’s a long story but the short answer is that it started in the Catholic religion which incorporated nearly… Read More »What Do Angels look Like?

Sex and Marriage

Disclaimer It’s never fun to start a study with a disclaimer, but in the day and age we live in, it must be said. Sex is a noun, not a verb. It describes one of the two (yes, only two) categories most living things (with… Read More »Sex and Marriage

Glorified Bodies

Preface I met an elderly brother in Christ once in the grocery store and, as it happens, Jesus came up in the conversation. I’m not sure how we got to the subject but I mentioned the disciples not recognizing Jesus immediately upon his resurrection, and… Read More »Glorified Bodies