Hello, I’m Lotan Kritchman, founder of KJV Pictures.
Before I got saved I was in all kinds of a mess. On the outside my life looked pretty good. I was a semi-successful Hollywood artist with a bright future, but on the inside, I was dead and empty.
I tried filling the void with drugs, women, even the occult. I got involved in politics and right wing groups like the “Proud Boys” to rebel against the far left insanity that surrounded me.
All of it, though, was me trying to fill the emptiness that was in me. To find an identity in the “things of this world.” None of it brought me any peace (as much as I refused to admit it).
All that changed in 2018 when the Lord saved me and finally brought me peace in the truth of Jesus Christ. The very thing I had been rebelling against most my life.
It was a hard reckoning, to admit how wrong I had been, but the joy I have now far exceeds anything that came before.
My life is now FULLY dedicated to serving God and spreading His word. He is the ONLY thing that is important and if all I can do is reach even one person then all this is worth it.
I’m no longer working in television. I’m no longer living in LA. I’ve moved back home. I’ve re-connected with my family who I estranged and made fun of for their beliefs in Christ when I was lost.
To the world it probably looks like I’ve lost everything. That I threw away my future for religion. But the world is blind. I’ve gained more through Christ than the world could ever give me. I was dead, and through God’s mercy, I live.
I don’t enjoy putting the focus on me or on my past, but for the purpose of full disclosure (and in the hopes that it might reach someone, somewhere) I have put my personal testimony online. You can view it here.
Let all glory go to God and I hope you are blessed in some way by this ministry.
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